HackAppleton 2022 Official Handbook Released!
HackAppleton Open Session Link
*Note all participants MUST join the open session to get a judging slot!
HackAppleton Speaker Links
Speaker 1 (Sam LD): https://us02web.zoom.us/j/81536081505?pwd=aUlXcnVBQ3JJMUE4UWlZaFNldG41dz09
Speaker 2 (Eric Alt): https://us02web.zoom.us/j/88135404911?pwd=djlLWmM5ZUM1YkhQQkM0WitwVHZlQT09
Speaker 3 (Jared Maslin): https://us02web.zoom.us/j/84486096170?pwd=eHNqcklFTjRaL0NURFE3akJqTENkZz09
Speaker 4 (Joe Gregg): https://lawrence.zoom.us/j/97157827900?pwd=cklHUmFhL1hpcHJheDJ4ZHpGR0kwdz09
HackAppleton Judging Room
HackAppleton Opportunities
Jeopardy Game (9/25 @ 10 am CDT): https://us02web.zoom.us/j/82566119730?pwd=czN5RS93L2NNOFYwMVNXcnB0b2VOdz09
WIX Workshop (9/25 @ 11 am CDT): https://us02web.zoom.us/j/85807834025?pwd=b0JxM2tMVlFoOWg5YVdreFpXOHhHUT09
HackAppleton Closing Ceremony
"HackAppleton Digital Hub" is a derivative of "template-office" by Icograms.com under CC BY-NC 4.0. "HackAppleton Digital Hub" is licensed under CC BY-NC 4.0. by AYEI.
2022 Competition
September 24th - 25th
​Ready for your chance to flaunt your coding expertise and earn prizes worth thousands of dollars? Also want to help make a difference in the world? Well, what are you waiting for when HackAppleton 2022 is here!
It's easy to get involved. Just simply enter our annual Hackathon, and work on prompts that address real world problems with computer science solutions.
This year, AYEI is excited to announce that HackAppleton will be taking place on September 24th and 25th, 2022. The hackathon will be fully virtual, except for our speakers and judges, who will be in person but online. Interested or want more information? Join our discord! This will give us an easy and effective way to communicate about the event, and also provide us with an excellent platform.
Link to Discord: https://discord.gg/BBgnGMkDry
Link to DevPost: https://hackappleton.devpost.com